Thursday, April 28, 2011

CountryGrandmaw Awakes

There are Days when you think you just can't go on not even for just one more minute.   And then God sends you a little pick me up to let you know you are not alone and there are others out there that are hurting just as bad as you or maybe even more than you ever thought anyone could ever hurt. 
That just happened to me.   This morning when I tried to get out of bed I could not get my old legs to move. 
I thought for a second I had had a stroke..... I started to massage my legs and eventually they revived enough to get out of Bed..... Poor me right.  Yea right.   I turn on Fox News and see where Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee has had a tornado that swept across three states and has so far killed at this time 194 people.   One poor old Grandpa found his grandsons truck but had not found his Grandson.... How scary is that.   The City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama had been devastated.....   They even lost all the city’s garbage trucks the whole fleet.  There were very few buildings left standing in the whole city......   Yea, poor me right?  Yea right!  My Darlings there is always someone much worse off than you.  And if you think you are the only one just remember there is always someone out there who would love to have your problems if you would just take theirs.   My Grandmaw always said where God slam's a door of oportunity somewhere HE opens a Window.  Sometimes we all need a dose of reality,  not that our problems are not important that is not the issue because they are but the important thing we need to think about is that given just a little faith in ourselves and God we will find a way through.... Don't belittle yourself or beat yourself up when life gets tough,  Take a deeeeeep breath in fact take a couple of them slow down that speeding brain of yours and the self pity train then give yourself time to build up the courage to figure out what to do.....  If you can't think of what to do and you feel overwhelmed, talk to someone, a priest, a pastor, a rabbi , a friend,  a stranger and pray pray pray believe that no matter where you are , when you are, who you are or why you are there, my darlings you are not alone.  GOD HEARS you and Knows at what point you are in your life. 
I'm Praying for everyone who is reading this blog God bless you all.
Have A Blessed Day

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